算法导论9.1-1 用O(N + lgn -2 )的运行时间找出第二小元素
posted @ 2012年11月15日 01:13
in 数据结构与算法分析
, 2278 阅读
代码有点混乱,C/C++不分,主要集中在createtree的 int &size形参上,其实最好是建个类存储当前层的SIZE,或者其他办法。因时间问题,不再更改。
#include <iostream> /* * === FUNCTION ====================================================================== * Name: findSecond * Description: 算法导论练习 9.1-1 * 证明:在最坏情况下,利用n + lgn -2次比较,,即可找到n个元素中的第2个小元素 * (提示:同时找最小元素) * 限制:需要支持随机迭代 * 思路:起先想到用分治算法,但设计不出,还是忍不住看了算法导论的答案: * * To find the smallest element construct a tournament as follows: * Compare all the numbers in pairs. * Only the smallest number of each pair is potentially the smallest of all so the problem is reduced to size n/2 . * Continuing in this fashion until there is only one left clearly solves the problem. * Exactly n − 1 comparisons are needed since the tournament can be drawn as an n-leaf binary tree which has n − 1 internal nodes (show by induction on n). * Each of these nodes correspond to a comparison. * We can use this binary tree to also locate the second * smallest number. The path from the root to the smallest element * (of height lg n ) must contain the second smallest element. Conducting * a tournament among these uses lg n − 1 comparisons. * The total number of comparisons are: n − 1 + lg n − 1 = n + lg n − 2. * ===================================================================================== */ bool compInt(const int &a, const int &b) { return a < b; } template <typename T> class findSecondNode { public: findSecondNode() : element(0), compareElement(0), child(0) { } findSecondNode(const T *elementArg, const T *compareElementArg, const findSecondNode<T> *childArg) : element(elementArg), compareElement(compareElementArg), child(childArg) { } const T *element; /* 本元素指针 */ const T *compareElement; /* 与本元素比较的元素指针 */ const findSecondNode<T> *child; /* 二叉树子节点,与本元素同值 */ }; template <typename T, typename compFunc> const findSecondNode<T> *createTree(const findSecondNode<T> *array, int &size, compFunc func); template <typename T, typename compFunc> const T *findSecond(T *array, int size, compFunc func);
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include "find2nd.h" // 如果失败,返回0值。 template <typename T, typename compFunc> const findSecondNode<T> *createTree(const findSecondNode<T> *array, int &size, compFunc func) { if (size <= 0) { size = 0; return static_cast<findSecondNode<T> *>(0); } if (size == 1){ size = 0; return array; } bool isEvenSize; int rowSize; if ((size % 2) != 0) { isEvenSize = false; rowSize = size / 2 + 1; } else { isEvenSize = true; rowSize = size / 2; } findSecondNode<T> *row = new findSecondNode<T>[rowSize]; int i; for (i = 0; i < size -1; i += 2) if (func(*(array[i].element), *(array[i + 1].element))) { row[i / 2] = findSecondNode<T>(array[i].element, array[i + 1].element, array + i); } else { row[i / 2] = findSecondNode<T>(array[i + 1].element, array[i].element, array + i + 1); } if (!isEvenSize) { row[rowSize - 1] = findSecondNode<T>(array[i].element, static_cast<T *>(0), array + i - 1); } size = rowSize; return row; } template <typename T, typename compFunc> const T *findSecond( T *array, int size, compFunc func) { if (size <= 1) return 0; if (size == 2) return func(array[0], array[1]) ? array : array + 1; findSecondNode<T> *row; bool evenNumSize; int rowSize; if ((size % 2) != 0) { evenNumSize = false; rowSize = size / 2 + 1; } else { evenNumSize = true; rowSize = size / 2; } row = new findSecondNode<T>[rowSize]; int i; for (i = 0; i < size -1; i += 2) if (func(array[i], array[i + 1])) { row[i / 2] = findSecondNode<T>(array + i, array +i + 1, static_cast<findSecondNode<T> *>(0)); } else { row[i / 2] = findSecondNode<T>(array + i + 1, array + i, static_cast<findSecondNode<T> *>(0)); } if (!evenNumSize) row[rowSize -1] = findSecondNode<T>(array + i, static_cast<T *>(0), static_cast<findSecondNode<T> *>(0)); std::vector<const findSecondNode<T> *> destructor; destructor.push_back(row); const findSecondNode<T> *ptr = row; while ((ptr = createTree(ptr, rowSize, func)) != static_cast<const findSecondNode<T> *>(0)) destructor.push_back(ptr); destructor.pop_back(); ptr = destructor.at(destructor.size() - 1); const T *maySecond = ptr->compareElement; const T *tmp; while (ptr->child) { tmp = ptr->child->compareElement; if (tmp != 0 && func(*tmp, *maySecond)) maySecond = tmp; ptr = ptr->child; } for (int i = destructor.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) delete [] destructor.at(i); return maySecond; } //最好不要比较double值,不精确,此处只是展示 bool compDouble(const double &a, const double &b) { return a < b; } int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int a[10] = {90, 234, 234, 11, 5435, 89, 2423, 122, 99, 99}; const int *tmp = findSecond(a, 10, compInt); std::cout << *tmp << std::endl; double b[9] = {23.33, 2342.22, 12.33, 2134.222, 5555.33, 242.2, 888, 1.333, 2342.222}; //最好不要比较double值,不精确,此处只是展示 const double *tmpDouble = findSecond(b, 9, compDouble); std::cout << *tmpDouble << std::endl; return 0; } /* ---------- end of function main ---------- */