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二叉树的C++模板,摘自Mark Alen Weiss,中序用栈遍历摘自microgoogle
算法导论思考题 13-4 Treap

算法导论 红黑树的实现代码(C++)

星海 posted @ 2012年11月18日 16:39 in 数据结构与算法分析 , 21383 阅读

代码结构参照了Mark Allen Weiss的《数据结构与算法分析 C++语言描述》中的模板结构。










 * =====================================================================================
 *       Filename:  redblacktree.h
 *    Description:  红黑树的实现:
 *    红黑树确保没有一条路径会比其他路径长出两倍,接近平衡。
 *    红黑树的5个基本性质:
 *    1,每个节点为红或黑
 *    2,根节点为黑
 *    3,每个叶结点(nullNode)为黑
 *    4,如果一个节点是红的,那他的两个儿子都是黑的
 *    5,对每个节点,从该结点到其子孙节点的所有路径上包含相同数目的黑节点
 *        Version:  1.0
 *        Created:  2012年11月16日 17时47分03秒
 *         Author:  sd44 (sd44sd44@yeah.net), 
 * =====================================================================================

#ifndef  redblacktree_INC
#define  redblacktree_INC

#include <iostream>

template <typename Comparable>
class RedBlackTree
  // 调用以下返回RedBlackNode *类型的函数时,注意要检查值是不是nullNode,再进行操作。
  enum TreeColor {RED, BLACK};
  struct RedBlackNode {
    Comparable element;
    RedBlackNode *parent;
    RedBlackNode *left;
    RedBlackNode *right;
    TreeColor color;
    RedBlackNode( const Comparable & theElement = Comparable( ), RedBlackNode *par = NULL,
                  RedBlackNode *lt = NULL, RedBlackNode *rt = NULL,
                  TreeColor defaultColor = RED )
      : element( theElement ), parent(par), left( lt ), right( rt ), color(defaultColor)
    { }

  // 显示构造函数,传入一个可以< >比较的元素
  explicit RedBlackTree() {
    nullNode = new RedBlackNode;
    // nullNode的初始化未必有必要吧?
    nullNode->parent = nullNode->left = nullNode->right = nullNode;
    nullNode->color = BLACK;
    header = nullNode;

  ~RedBlackTree() {
    delete nullNode;

  const Comparable &findMin() {
    return findMinPos(header)->element;
  const Comparable &findMax() {
    return findMaxPos(header)->element;

  RedBlackNode *treeHeader() { return header; }
  RedBlackNode *treeNullNode() { return nullNode; }

  RedBlackNode *find(RedBlackNode *pos, const Comparable &element) const;
  RedBlackNode *findSuccessor(RedBlackNode *pos);
  bool isEmpty() const;
  void printTree() const { printTree(header); }
  void printTree(RedBlackNode *pos) const;
  void makeEmpty();
  void rbInsert(const Comparable &x);
  void rbDelete(const Comparable &x);
  RedBlackNode *rbDelete(RedBlackNode *node);

  void leftChildDeleteFixup(RedBlackTree::RedBlackNode * &node);
  void rightChildDeleteFixup(RedBlackTree::RedBlackNode * &node);

  RedBlackNode *findMinPos(RedBlackNode *pos) const;
  RedBlackNode *findMaxPos(RedBlackNode *pos) const;
  void rbInsertFixup(RedBlackNode *node);
  void rbDeleteFixup(RedBlackNode *node);
  void leftRotate(RedBlackNode *x);
  void rightRotate(RedBlackNode *x);
  void emptySubTree(RedBlackNode *pos);

  RedBlackNode *header;
  RedBlackNode *nullNode;

#endif   /* ----- #ifndef redblacktree_INC  ----- */


#include "redblacktree.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

template <typename Comparable>
typename RedBlackTree<Comparable>::RedBlackNode *RedBlackTree<Comparable>::findMinPos(RedBlackNode *pos) const
  if (pos == nullNode)
    return pos;
  while (pos->left != nullNode)
    pos = pos->left;
  return pos;

template <typename Comparable>
typename RedBlackTree<Comparable>::RedBlackNode
*RedBlackTree<Comparable>::findMaxPos(RedBlackNode *pos) const
  if (pos == NULL)
    return pos;
  // 此处用的是nullNode,而非NULL,也是红黑树与普通二叉树的NULL区别.
  while (pos->left != nullNode)
    pos = pos->left;
  return pos;

template <typename Comparable>
typename RedBlackTree<Comparable>::RedBlackNode
    RedBlackTree<Comparable>::RedBlackNode *pos, const Comparable &element) const
  if (pos == NULL)
    return pos;
  while (pos != nullNode && pos->element != element) {
      if (pos->element < element)
        pos = pos->right;
      else if (pos ->element > element)
        pos = pos->left;
  return pos;

template <typename Comparable>
typename RedBlackTree<Comparable>::RedBlackNode
*RedBlackTree<Comparable>::findSuccessor(RedBlackTree::RedBlackNode *pos)
  if (pos->right != nullNode)
    return findMinPos(pos->right);
  RedBlackNode *successor = pos->parent;
  while (successor != nullNode && pos == successor->right) {
      pos = successor;
      successor = pos->parent;
  return successor;

template <typename Comparable>
bool RedBlackTree<Comparable>::isEmpty() const
  return treeHeader() == nullNode;

template <typename Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::printTree(RedBlackNode *pos) const
  if (pos == NULL || pos == nullNode)
  if (pos->left != nullNode)
  //WARNING: 此处cout只适用于可以打印的元素,请参照自己的数据结构实现
  std::cout << pos->element;
  if (pos->color == BLACK)
    std::cout << ":BLACK";
    std::cout << ":RED";
  std::cout << "\t";
  if (pos->right != nullNode)

template <typename Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::makeEmpty()
  header = nullNode;

template <typename Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::emptySubTree(RedBlackNode *pos) {
  if (pos == nullNode)
  delete pos;

template <typename Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::rbInsert(const Comparable &x)
  RedBlackNode *preFindPos = nullNode;
  RedBlackNode *findPos = header;

  while (findPos != nullNode) {
      preFindPos = findPos;
      if (findPos->element > x)
        findPos = findPos->left;
        findPos = findPos->right;

  // 新节点元素为x,默认为红色,父节点为preFindPos,其他为nullNode。
  RedBlackNode *newNode = new RedBlackNode(x, preFindPos, nullNode, nullNode, RED);
  newNode->element = x;
  newNode->parent = preFindPos;
  if (preFindPos == nullNode)
    header = newNode;
  else if (x < preFindPos->element)
    preFindPos->left = newNode;
    preFindPos->right = newNode;


template <typename Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::rbInsertFixup(RedBlackTree::RedBlackNode *node)
  RedBlackNode *uncle;
  while (node->parent->color == RED) {

      // 如果新插入结点node,执行以下操作:
      // 因为根节点为黑色,根节点的子节点不执行此条语句,所以node的爷爷结点肯定不是nullNode。
      // 访问不会越界。
      if (node->parent == node->parent->parent->left) {
          uncle = node->parent->parent->right;
          if (uncle->color == RED) { // 第一种情况:node与其父结点,叔父结点均为RED
              // 此时违反性质4:红节点的两个子节点均为黑,于是:
              // 将 父、叔结点改为黑,
              // 爷爷结点改为红,以维持性质五:黑高度相同。
              node->parent->color = BLACK;
              uncle->color = BLACK;
              node->parent->parent->color = RED;
              // node上移两层,迭代考察前爷爷结点为红是否违反性质4
              node = node->parent->parent;
            } else  {  // 叔父结点为黑色,父节点为红的情况。
              if (node == node->parent->right) {
                  node = node->parent;
                  // 左旋,将情况改为第三种情况
              // 第三种情况:node父节点为左节点,node为左节点。
              node->parent->color = BLACK; //uncle为黑,node为左红节点时的情况
              node->parent->parent->color = RED;
        } else {
          //else 语句执行 node的父节点为右节点时的情况。
          uncle = node->parent->parent->left;
          if (uncle->color == RED) { // 第四种情况:父节点为右结点,node与其父,叔父结点均为RED
              // 此时违反性质4:红节点的两个子节点均为黑,于是:
              // 将 父、叔结点改为黑,
              // 爷爷结点改为红,以维持性质五:黑高度相同。
              node->parent->color = BLACK;
              uncle->color = BLACK;
              node->parent->parent->color = RED;
              // node上移两层,迭代考察前爷爷结点为红是否违反性质4
              node = node->parent->parent;
            } else  {  // 父节点为红,叔结点为黑色的情况。
              if (node == node->parent->left) {
                  // 第五种情况 父节点为右结点,node为左节点,叔结点为黑。
                  node = node->parent;
                  // 右旋,将情况改为
              // 第六种情况 父节点为右结点,node为右节点,叔结点为黑。
              node->parent->color = BLACK; //uncle为黑,node为左红节点时的情况
              node->parent->parent->color = RED;
  header->color = BLACK;

template <typename Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::rbDelete(const Comparable &x)
  RedBlackNode *ptr = find(header, x);
  if (ptr != nullNode){
    RedBlackNode *delNode = rbDelete(ptr);
    if (delNode != nullNode)
      delete delNode;

template <typename Comparable>
typename RedBlackTree<Comparable>::RedBlackNode *
RedBlackTree<Comparable>::rbDelete(RedBlackTree::RedBlackNode *node)
  RedBlackNode *delNode;
  if (node->left == nullNode || node->right == nullNode)
    delNode = node;
    delNode = findSuccessor(node);

  RedBlackNode *delNodeChild;
  // 以下if...else...语句要结合上边来看
  // 如果node左右子女有一个为nullNode,则下面语句找到要提升的delNodeChild。
  // 如果某节点有两个子女,则其后继没有左子女。此时如果delNode = findSuccessor的话,
  // delNode->left一定等于nullNode,肯定会执行delNodeChild = delNode->right。

  if (delNode->left != nullNode)
    delNodeChild = delNode->left;
    delNodeChild = delNode->right;

  delNodeChild->parent = delNode->parent;
  if (delNode->parent == nullNode)
    header = delNodeChild;
  else if (delNode == delNode->parent->left)
    delNode->parent->left = delNodeChild;
    delNode->parent->right = delNodeChild;

  if (delNode != node)
    node->element = delNode->element;

  // 如果delNode->color为红的话,则红黑性质得以保持。
  // 因为此时delNode肯定不为根,根节点仍为黑
  // delNode的父节点肯定为黑,被提升的delNodeChild不会与之违反性质:红节点的子节点不能有红
  // 黑高度没有变化

  if (delNode->color == BLACK)

  // WARNNING:此处没有delete delNode,用户需要接收此函数返回值然后delete
  // 或者在此处delete,且将函数返回类型设置为void。
  return delNode;

template <typename Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::rbDeleteFixup(RedBlackTree::RedBlackNode *node)
  // 此时node->color因为父亲黑节点的删除,将其视为具有双重颜色特性,为黑黑或者红黑,要调整
  while (node != header && node->color == BLACK) {
      // while循环处理node->color为黑且不为header的情况,此时node为黑黑的双重黑特性。
      if (node == node->parent->left)

  // 如果node->color为红或者为header的话,此时只需简单的将其设置为BLACK即可,见此:
  node->color =BLACK;

template <typename Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::leftChildDeleteFixup(RedBlackTree::RedBlackNode * &node)
  RedBlackNode *rightNode = node->parent->right;
  // case 1: rightNode为红,两个子节点为黑,将其转换为以下case
  if (rightNode->color == RED) {
      rightNode->color = BLACK;
      node->parent->color = RED;
      // node的右子节点为旋转之前rightNode的左黑孩子,继续进入下面的case以维持红黑树性质
      rightNode = node->parent->right;

  // case 2: rightNode与其两个子节点均为黑。
  if (rightNode->left->color == BLACK && rightNode->right->color == BLACK) {
      rightNode->color = RED;
      // 此时将node设为其父,考察其父的红黑性质。
      node = node->parent;
    } else {
      // case 3:rightNode与其右孩子为黑,左孩子为红,将其旋转后进入case 4
      if (rightNode->right->color== BLACK) {
          rightNode->left->color = BLACK;
          rightNode->color = RED;
          rightNode = node->parent->right;
      // case 4:rightnode为黑,其右孩子为红

      rightNode->color = node->parent->color;

      // TODO:此时意义不明。。。node->parent此时一定为红色吗?
      node->parent->color= BLACK;
      rightNode->right->color = BLACK;
      node = header;

template <typename Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::rightChildDeleteFixup(RedBlackTree::RedBlackNode *&node)
  RedBlackNode *leftNode = node->parent->left;
  // case 1: rightNode为红,两个子节点为黑,将其转换为以下case
  if (leftNode->color == RED) {
      leftNode->color = BLACK;
      node->parent->color = RED;
      // node的左子节点为旋转之前leftNode的右黑孩子,继续进入下面的case以维持红黑树性质
      leftNode = node->parent->left;

  // case 2: lefttNode与其两个子节点均为黑。
  if (leftNode->left->color == BLACK && leftNode->right->color == BLACK) {
      leftNode->color = RED;
      // 此时将node设为其父,考察其父的红黑性质。
      node = node->parent;
    } else {
      // case 3:leftNode与其左孩子为黑,右孩子为红,将其旋转后进入case 4
      if (leftNode->left->color== BLACK) {
          leftNode->right->color = BLACK;
          leftNode->color = RED;
          leftNode = node->parent->left;
      // case 4:leftNode为黑,其左孩子为红

      leftNode->color = node->parent->color;

      // TODO:此时意义不明。。。node->parent此时一定为红色吗?
      node->parent->color= BLACK;
      leftNode->left->color = BLACK;
      node = header;

// 当在结点X上做左旋时,我们假设他的右孩子不是nullNode,
// x可以为任意右孩子不是nullNode的结点。

template <typename Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::leftRotate(RedBlackTree::RedBlackNode *x)
  RedBlackNode *y = x->right;
  x->right = y->left;  // 旋转中,x的右结点设为y的左结点
  if (y->left != nullNode)
    y->left->parent = x;
  y->parent= x->parent;
  if (x->parent == nullNode) {
      header = y;
    } else if (x == x->parent->left)
    x->parent->left = y;
    x->parent->right = y;
  y->left = x;
  x->parent = y;

template <typename Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::rightRotate(RedBlackTree::RedBlackNode *x)
  RedBlackNode *y = x->left;
  x->left = y->right;
  if (y->right != nullNode)
    y->right->parent = x;
  y->parent = x->parent;
  if (x->parent == nullNode)
    header = y;
  else if ( x == x->parent->left)
    x->parent->left = y;
    x->parent->right = y;
  y->right = x;
  x->parent = y;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  RedBlackTree<int> tmp;
  for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    tmp.rbInsert(rand() % 10000);

  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;


  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

  return 0;
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2023年8月21日 19:57

Rather than treating ChatGPT as just an on-demand content generator, use prompts that allow back-and-forth conversation for a more interactive experience. ChatGPT Prompts

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By analyzing user input, ChatGPT tailors responses to individual preferences, creating a personalized conversation experience. how to use chatgpt

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As users tap into the potential of ChatGPT content, they open doors to interactive possibilities, nurturing connections between humans and AI that continue to evolve and inspire. Sexual content

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Graphics make conversations visually appealing, capturing attention and encouraging prolonged engagement. Using ChatGPT for Graphics Work

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When ideating blog topics with ChatGPT, keep these tips in mind: effective blog post prompts for ChatGPT

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Their efforts are often unseen, but their impact on the functionality and appearance of spaces is tangible. Janitor AI Bots

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Janitors, often referred to as custodians or maintenance workers, play a vital yet often overlooked role in maintaining cleanliness, hygiene, and order in various environments. Janitor AI Bots

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Employ ChatGPT to assist in virtual meetings by summarizing discussions, noting action items, and enhancing collaboration. ChatGPT for Customer Service

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2023年8月28日 00:27

Data analysts can use ChatGPT to formulate complex queries in natural language, making data exploration more accessible and intuitive. How to use ChatGPT for data analysis

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2023年8月28日 14:59

Present math problems for step-by-step solutions and explanations. examples of prompts

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Experiment with creative writing by asking ChatGPT to compose poetry or song lyrics. chat gpt playground

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Priority access ensures that you can engage in seamless and dynamic conversations without interruptions. ChatGPT Plus sign up

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ChatGPT can explain financial terms, concepts, and market dynamics, aiding in better understanding of stock trading. buy AI stock

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2023年8月30日 21:02

Engage with ChatGPT to simulate different trading scenarios and assess potential risks and rewards. Method of Using ChatGPT for Trading

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2023年8月31日 16:35

Ensure that user data and interactions are handled securely and in compliance with privacy regulations. What is ChatGPT Embedding?

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Product Creation: OpenAI is responsible for the creation, development, and deployment of ChatGPT, including the AI model and associated features. who created chat gpt

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2023年9月01日 03:10

Users can engage with the platform without the concern of subscription renewals. What is a ChatGPT Lifetime Deal?

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2023年9月01日 20:37

Explain complex financial terms and concepts in a user-friendly manner. Using ChatGPT in Finance

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2023年9月02日 00:31

ChatGPT can help traders set and adjust stop-loss and take-profit levels to manage risk. How to Use ChatGPT for Stock Trading

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2023年9月02日 16:49

ChatGPT is designed for interactive conversations with users. It can be used for building chatbots, virtual assistants, or interactive customer support agents. What is ChatGPT and How To Use it?

Naveed 说:
2023年9月03日 05:47

ChatGPT has a broad range of potential applications, from customer support chatbots to virtual assistants, educational tools, and content generation. Its versatility makes it adaptable to various industries and use cases. Who Developed ChatGPT?

Bushra batool 说:
2023年9月03日 13:25

GPT has spurred advancements in natural language processing research and serves as the foundation for various state-of-the-art models. The Role of GPT in ChatGPT

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2023年9月03日 14:44

Retool is commonly used to build data dashboards that aggregate and visualize data from various sources for business intelligence and decision-making. No-Code Application Development

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2023年9月03日 20:00

Providing feedback helps refine ChatGPT's capabilities, leading to better understanding and improved interactions. “Unprocessable Entity” Error in ChatGPT

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2023年9月03日 21:03

Payment plugins enable ChatGPT to facilitate financial transactions, such as bill payments or donations, within a conversation. The Best ChatGPT Plugins

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2023年9月04日 00:10

Wizards of the Coast, the company behind Magic: The Gathering, periodically releases pre-constructed Commander Decks with unique Commanders and themes. These decks are designed for players to pick up and play right away. How to Use ChatGPT to Rank Magic Commander Decks

Bushra batool 说:
2023年9月04日 17:55

ChatGPT Memes refer to the humorous and entertaining content generated by OpenAI’s language model, ChatGPT. The term encapsulates the creative and often hilarious outputs that result from feeding certain prompts to ChatGPT. What are ChatGPT Memes?

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2023年9月04日 18:59

The “Conversation Not Found” error, while inconvenient, is an example of effective error handling. It informs users that there is an issue retrieving the conversation, which can help users understand that the problem isn’t with their request or input, but with the system’s ability to retrieve the requested data. What Does ‘Conversation Not Found’ in ChatGPT Mean?

asim 说:
2023年9月04日 22:50 ChatGPT Jailbreak Prompts operate by leveraging the language model’s ability to generate human-like text based on a given input. The idea is to craft inputs that push the boundaries of the model’s behavior, exploiting any potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities in the system. The Role of ChatGPT Jailbreak Prompts in AI Research
shaikhseo 说:
2023年9月05日 15:38

OpenAI may make updates and changes to the ChatGPT Plus subscription plan based on user feedback and evolving needs. It's advisable to check OpenAI's official website for the most current information regarding the subscription. ChatGPT Plus subscription

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2023年9月05日 19:20

The accuracy of the AI Classifier depends on the quality of training data and its specific application. When properly trained, it can achieve remarkable accuracy levels. AI Classifier

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2023年9月07日 20:43

ChatGPT generates contextually relevant and coherent responses, fostering engaging and authentic dialogues. GPT-4 Application

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2023年9月09日 13:48

ChatGPT Prompt enables businesses and individuals to develop chatbots and virtual assistants that can engage users naturally. What is ChatGPT Prompt?

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2023年9月09日 21:06

Developers prioritize ethical considerations, privacy, and responsible AI usage when advancing ChatGPT. What is ChatGPT Pro?

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2023年9月10日 03:35

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2023年9月12日 23:19 ChatGPT aids in learning, offering explanations, answering questions, and assisting with a wide array of educational topics. 11 Ways to Fix Network Error Message Appears in ChatGPT
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2023年9月13日 03:38

It's important to note that AI systems range in difficulty and features, including easy rule-based systems to sophisticated strong learning models. The area of AI is rapidly growing, and new traits and features are now being produced as study and engineering progress. OpenAI Login Steps

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